

Elements of Art Assignment

Online Elements of Art

Photography Basics

  1. What is aperture, shutter speed and ISO?

Aperture is the size of the hole in the lens, shutter speed is how fast the shutter opens and closes, and ISO is the sensitivity of your camera’s sensor of light.

  1. When would you need to change your ISO?

When light is less available, and you need a higher ISO to correct it.

  1. What is aperture and shutter priority settings?

When you manually set up your aperture, the camera will automatically set the shutter speed. As well as vice versa if you manually set up your shutter speed, it will automatically set up your aperture setting.

  1. What are AF modes and how do you change them?

AF modes are the function of a camera to automatically focus on a subject. Switch from AF-S and AF-C.

  1. Why do your need to meter the light to get the right exposure?

To help ensure the pictures are well exposed and to avoid them from being under or overexposed.

  1. What is white balance and why would you need to change it?

White balance adjust the color temperature to make white subjects appear white. In order to avoid the appearance of unwanted colors.

  1. What is depth of field and what is the difference between shallow and good?

Depth of field is the area behind a focal point. Shallow is when the small focus is sharp and clear while the rest is more unfocused. Good means the entire area is in focus.

  1. What are drive modes?

Different options for capturing images such as Single and Continuous shooting, as well as self-timer and remote. It helps adapt to different scenarios such as group photos, weddings, wildlife, or sports.

  1. What is exposure compensation?

A camera function that allows to manually adjust the automatic exposure settings to make it darker or lighter.

  1. What is considered a normal focal length lenses?

A normal focal length would be around 50 millimeters.

  1. What is a good focal length zoom lens to use?

It would be around 70mm, 135mm, or 200m.

  1. What is the difference between a wide angle and telephoto fixed lens?

The difference is the focal length and angle of view. It allows you to capture more of the scene similar to what the human eye sees. Wide angle lenses are good for large groups and portraits.